Episode 66: Shabbat at Home - Hamotzi


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Shabbat at Home: Hamotzi

This week, in our Shabbat at Home series, Eliana and Ellen consider the Midrashic possibilities of HaMotzi - the blessing over the challah. Topics include how challah holy-tizes all of our time, to tear or to cut, and which gardens grow bread trees. Plus, we listen to our favorite 90s Jewish hip hop classics! 

As partners with g?d in the act of creation, how can we create that world of sustenance and goodness and support for all?

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Show Notes

Listen to Eliana Light’s Around the Shabbos Table here!

Shabbat - שבת - here


Shabbat blessing on the candles

Shalom Aleichem - שלום עליכם

Kiddush - קידוש - blessing over wine

N’tilat Yadaim - נטילת ידיים - ritual hand washing

HaMotzi - המוציא - blessing over bread 

Challah - חלה


Ricki's Cookie Corner

Babka - בבקה

Pillsbury breadsticks

Manna - מנה

Shemot 16

Yud-Hei-Vav-Hei - י-ה-ו-ה - learn more about Holy Names here

Midrash - מדרש

The Omer - ספירת העומר

Shavuot - שבועות

Bamidbar (Numbers) 15:21

Truma - תרומה - biblical gift

Mishkan - משכן - Tabernacle

LeHafrish Challah (to separate challah) - להפריש חלה - here

Shamor Vizachor - שמור וזכור - keep and remember - here

Shemot 25 - lechem panim - לחם פנים - bread of display

Ner Tamid - נר תמיד - Eternal Flame

Menorah - מנורה

Chul - חל - root of challah meaning to twist, writhe, dance or wait longingly

Yedid Nefesh - Hadur naeh ziv haolam, nafshi cholat ahavatach

הדור נאה זיו העולם נפשי חולת אהבתך 

Perfe​ct, pleasing,​ radiance of the world, my soul desires Your love (translation from Zemirot Database)

Cholah - חולה - sick, weak, ill, or to soften, sweeten, soothe

Hamotzi blessing in hebrew, transliteration, and translation:

ברוך אתה ה אלוהינו מלך העולם המוציא לחם מן הארץ 

Blessed are you, Yud Hei Vav Hei, ruler, source, strength of the universe, who is the one who brings bread from the earth.

Psalm 104

Ellen Allard

Genesis - בראשית

Garden of Eden - גן עדן

“Around the Shabbos Table” by Eliana Light here

Niggun - ניגון - spiritual wordless melody - here

Rabbi Israel Salanter

Lecha Dodi - לכה דודי

Birshoot - ברשות - with your permission

Shira Klein

Talmud - תלמוד

Psalm 145 - Ashrei

Shira Milgrom

Milchama - מלחמה - war

Havdalah candle
Samuel Adler

“The Bagel Song” by Max Mellman here

Westchester Federation of Temple Youth

Zichruna Li'bracha - זכרונה לברכה - May his memory be for a blessing

*“Makin’ the Motzee” by Etan G here

Jonah Dreskin z”l Makin a Motzi

Yo Yo Yo Yarmulke by Schlock Rock

“Something That May Shock and Discredit You” by Daniel Mallory Ortberg here

Pride Month

*correction from recording: Makin’ the Motzee was written and performed by Etan G


Episode 65: Opening the Treasure Box of Tradition (with Casper ter Kuile)