The Light Lab Podcast

We (Rabbi Josh Warshawsky, Cantor Ellen Dreskin, Eliana Light, and special guests) believe that there is so much insight to be found in Jewish sacred heritage by holding the gems of our liturgy to the light. We see the immense value of personal, heart-opening, empathy-expanding prayer practice. And we love to talk about both!

Softening the Heart: Mincha & Workshop Live from SLBC (with Chava Mirel & Eliana Light)
Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light

Softening the Heart: Mincha & Workshop Live from SLBC (with Chava Mirel & Eliana Light)

Shalom my friends! We’re back with a special three part pray-along series, live from Songleader Boot Camp. This episode is the afternoon service, mincha, with the incomparable Chava Mirel. Join us for a heart check-in, song, and silence. And keep listening for a behind-the-curtain conversation/class on what it takes to lead t’fillah that softens the heart. So glad to be back in the Light Lab with you!

What would it take to make t’fillah an exercise in softening the heart?

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Episode 66: Shabbat at Home - Hamotzi
Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light

Episode 66: Shabbat at Home - Hamotzi

This week, in our Shabbat at Home series, Eliana and Ellen consider the Midrashic possibilities of HaMotzi - the blessing over the challah. Topics include how challah holy-tizes all of our time, to tear or to cut, and which gardens grow bread trees. Plus, we listen to our favorite 90s Jewish hip hop classics!

As partners with g?d in the act of creation, how can we create that world of sustenance and goodness and support for all?

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Episode 65: Opening the Treasure Box of Tradition (with Casper ter Kuile)
Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light

Episode 65: Opening the Treasure Box of Tradition (with Casper ter Kuile)

This week, we are elated to bring you our interview with Eliana and Casper ter Kuile. Casper is the author of The Power of Ritual, and the co-founder of Sacred Design Lab, Nearness and the podcast Harry Potter and the Sacred Text.. We explore finding the sacred in the secular, where folks find spiritual community these days, and snuggling your dog as prayer.

What personal practice can you cultivate into prayer?

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Episode 63: Creativity - Codeword for g?d (with Rabbi Adina Allen)
Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light

Episode 63: Creativity - Codeword for g?d (with Rabbi Adina Allen)

This week, we are elated to bring your our interview with Eliana and Rabbi Adina Allen. Rabbi Adina is co-founder and creative director of the Jewish Studio Project. We explore expressing the divine spark within us, how to sit with discomfort, and how to teach our 3rd grade selves that art is their birthright.

What can the page, or the melody, hold for you, so you can leave it there?

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Episode 62: SPARK - Pesach Edition
Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light

Episode 62: SPARK - Pesach Edition

Welcome to our spring SPARK! A more free-wheeling, connective conversation between our hosts that we hope sparks something new in you. In this SPARK, Eliana and Ellen explore our journey on the way to enoughness, binding our wounds, & the furry shapes prophets sometimes inhabit. Plus, we listen to some of our favorite songs for the season!

How are you “Shema-ing” this year to actively soften your heart?

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Episode 61: Turning Sorrows into Songs (with Rabbi Ilan Glazer)
Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light

Episode 61: Turning Sorrows into Songs (with Rabbi Ilan Glazer)

This week, we are honored to bring your our interview with Eliana and Rabbi Ilan Glazer. Rabbi Ilan is the founder of Our Jewish Recovery, author of the award-winning And God Created Recovery: Jewish Wisdom to Help You Break Free From Your Addiction, Heal Your Wounds, and Unleash Your Inner Freedom, and a Shatterproof Ambassador and Family Program Instructor. We explore the medicine of incorporating new and ancient melodies into t’fillah, how Jewish wisdom addresses addiction and recovery, and grounding grief in song. Plus, we listen to a few tracks on Rabbi Ilan’s new album, Gam Ki Elech: Turning Our Sorrows Into Songs.

How has Jewish wisdom shown up for you in moments of pain and darkness?

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Episode 60: Open-Source Judaism (with Aharon Varady)
Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light

Episode 60: Open-Source Judaism (with Aharon Varady)

This week, we are delighted to bring you our interview with Eliana and Aharon Varady. Aharon is the founding director and primary shammes of the Open Siddur Project. We explore the alchemy of a minyan, taking responsibility for your prayer, and how to make a container to cross-pollinate our own liturgical wisdom with other people.

What prompts from our ancestors resonate with you in reading a siddur?

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Episode 59: Praying with One Kahal (with Batya Levine)
Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light

Episode 59: Praying with One Kahal (with Batya Levine)

This week, we are ecstatic to bring you our interview with Eliana and Batya Levine. Batya (they/them) is a communal song leader, musician, shaliach tzibur (Jewish prayer leader), cultural organizer, and co-founder and the Director of Programs at Let My People Sing! We explore adversarial relationships with t’fillah, modeling pouring-out-your-heart davening, and how to nurture the song leader in you.

When have you been most vulnerable in sharing your voice?

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Episode 57: Nerding out on T’fillah (with Rabbi Josh Cahan)
Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light

Episode 57: Nerding out on T’fillah (with Rabbi Josh Cahan)

This week, we are delighted to bring you our interview with Eliana and Rabbi Josh Cahan. A t’filah educator in New York City, Josh compiled and edited the Yedid Nefesh bencher and is introducing the new Yedid Nefesh Haggadah this Spring. We explore the origin story of a t’fillah nerd, praying at sleepaway camp, and the challenges and opportunities of teaching t’fillah to kids.

Is there a t’fillah nerd in your life who has inspired you as a pray-er?

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Episode 56: Shabbat at Home - the Family Blessing
Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light

Episode 56: Shabbat at Home - the Family Blessing

This week, in our third episode of our Shabbat at Home series, Eliana and Ellen explore the family blessings. Topics include the origin of this tradition, the Human-G?d-Compassion triumvirate of blessings, why should we want our kids to be like ephraim and Menashe, and how to choose your spouse anew each week. Plus, we listen to our favorite family blessing songs, including Eliana’s!

What challenges have been passed down to you that can be viewed as blessings?

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Episode 55: The Origins of Liturgy (with Rabbi Ruth Langer, Ph.D)
Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light

Episode 55: The Origins of Liturgy (with Rabbi Ruth Langer, Ph.D)

This week, we are proud to bring you our interview with Eliana and rabbi, doctor, and professor, Ruth Langer. Langer is a liturgy scholar and director of graduate studies at Boston College’s Theology Department. We explore how liturgical change gets squashed, how the Talmud set the course for future liturgical halacha, and how prayers emerged throughout history.

What is the value of knowing liturgical history to the pray-er?

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Episode 54: SPARK - Hanukkah Edition
Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light

Episode 54: SPARK - Hanukkah Edition

Welcome to our second SPARK! A more free-wheeling, connective conversation between our hosts that we hope sparks something new in you. In this SPARK, Eliana, Ellen & Josh explore Hanukkah gematria, rituals that light up our lives, and spiritually exercises for the heart muscle. Plus, we listen to some of our favorite songs for the season!

Are there enough blessings for all of us?

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Episode 53: Shabbat at Home - Shalom Aleichem
Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light

Episode 53: Shabbat at Home - Shalom Aleichem

This week, in our first episode of our Shabbat at Home series, Eliana, Ellen, & Josh explore the liturgy of Shalom Aleichem. Topics include angels of good and evil at the table, different melodies used for the text, and what this poem sparks in us. Plus, we listen to our favorite versions of Shalom Aleichem!

What is your favorite Friday night Shabbat memory?

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Episode 52: Shabbat at Home - the Candles
Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light

Episode 52: Shabbat at Home - the Candles

This week, in our first episode of our Shabbat at Home series, Eliana, Ellen, & Josh explore lighting the Shabbat candles. Topics include why we light, different melodies used for the blessing, and what this blessing sparks in us. Plus, we listen to our favorite songs about lighting Shabbat candles!

When does it start to feel like Shabbat for you?

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Episode 51: Under the Torah and Dreaming (with Rabbi Jill Hammer)
Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light

Episode 51: Under the Torah and Dreaming (with Rabbi Jill Hammer)

This week, we are privileged to bring you our interview with Eliana and Rabbi Kohenet Jill Hammer, PhD. Hammer is an author, teacher, midrashist, mystic, poet, essayist, and priestess. We explore where to look for g?d, how to call on g?d, and the venn diagram of poetry and liturgy. Plus, we dive into Hammer’s new book, Undertorah!

How can dreams impact our liturgical selves?

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Episode 50: ORAH HI - Behind the Music
Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light

Episode 50: ORAH HI - Behind the Music

This week, Eliana, Ellen, & Josh go behind the music with Eliana’s new album: ORAH HI. Topics include how to make an album with friends, making Hebrew songs accessible, and accessing vulnerability through song. Plus, we learn about the magic behind these sweet new tracks!

Is it more important to correctly conjugate g?d language vs. letting the prayer flow uninhibited?

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Episode 49: SPARK - High Holidays Edition
Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light

Episode 49: SPARK - High Holidays Edition

Welcome to our first SPARK! A more free-wheeling, connective conversation between our hosts that we hope sparks something new in you. In this SPARK, Eliana, Ellen & Josh explore re-returning, joyful prayer at Yom Kippur, and the courage to bring g?dly acts into the world. Plus, we listen to some of our favorite songs for the season!

What is the still small voice contained in the shofar blast saying to your heart this year?

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Episode 48: Elohai N’tzor - End of the Amidah Journey
Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light

Episode 48: Elohai N’tzor - End of the Amidah Journey

This week, Eliana, Ellen, & Josh explore the end of the Amidah journey. Topics include the Amidah as a personal AND communal experience, symbolism in the shape words take in our mouths, and license to create our own prayers. Plus, Josh and Coleen Dieker perform Elohai N’tzor live!

Do written prayers inhibit your extemporaneous prayer experience?

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