Episode 63: Creativity - Codeword for g?d (with Rabbi Adina Allen)


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Creativity - Codeword for g?d

This week, we are elated to bring your our interview with Eliana and Rabbi Adina Allen. Rabbi Adina is co-founder and creative director of the Jewish Studio Project. We explore expressing the divine spark within us, how to sit with discomfort, and how to teach our 3rd grade selves that art is their birthright. 

What can the page, or the melody, hold for you, so you can leave it there?

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Show Notes

Pre-order Rabbi Allen's new book, The Place of All Possibility, here!

Rabbi Adina Allen

Jewish Studio Project

Dr. Pat B. Allen

Jewish Studio Process

Rabbi Adina’s Book: The Place of All Possibility

T’fillah - תפילה - prayer 

OSRUI Summer Camp

Mah Rabu - מה רבו - Literally, “How great!” - a prayer expressing wonder for the magnificence of G?d’s creation. Find the full text here: Psalms 104:25

Brandeis Bardin Campus Programs - American Jewish University

Dr. Pat B. Allen’s books here

Hebrew College

Beit Midrash - בית מדרש - study hall. Learn more here

Chevruta - חברותא - study partner. Learn more here

Dr. Pat B. Allen’s Open Studio Process

Matbeah - מטבע - the structure and words of a prayer service

Torah - תורה - Jewish Bible. Learn more here

Shabbat - שבת - the Jewish day of rest. Learn more here

Drash - דרש - seeking the deeper meaning of a holy text. Learn more here

Lishmah - לשמה - for its sake. Learn more here

Halacha - הלכה - Jewish law. Learn more here

High Holiday Services - ימים נוראים - learn more here

JCC - Jewish Community Center. Learn more here

Avinu Malkeinu - אבינו מלכנו - Literally, Our Father Our King. A pinnacle prayer recited during the High Holidays. Learn more here 

Kavanot - כוונות - intentions. Learn more here

Yom Kippur - יום כיפור - learn more here

Kol Nidre - כל נדרי - the opening service of Yom Kippur. Learn more here

Neilah - נעילה - the closing service of Yom Kippur. Learn more here

Teshuva - תשובה - repentance & returning. Learn more here

Yizkor - יזכור - the Jewish memorial service. Learn more here


Episode 64: Shabbat at Home - Hand Washing


Episode 62: SPARK - Pesach Edition