Episode 64: Shabbat at Home - Hand Washing


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Shabbat at Home: Hand Washing

This week, in our Shabbat at Home series, Eliana and Josh explore the hand washing. Topics include taking ownership over rituals, the act of giving and receiving to and of ourselves, and

hand washing as a mikvah moment. Plus, we listen to our favorite hand washing nigunim! 

How can we interact with water as divine source?

Join our facebook group to connect and comment.


Congregation Agudas Achim

Elu v’elu - אלו ואלו - these and these (Aramaic) 

Beit Din - בית דין - Jewish court of law. Learn more here

Mikvah - מקווה - Jewish ritual bath. Learn more here

Amen - אמן - Learn more here

Ramah in the Rockies

Shabbat - שבת - learn more here

Lighting candles - הדלקת נרות - learn more here

Shalom Aleichem - שלום עליכם - a poem sung to welcome Shabbat. Learn more here

Kiddush - קידוש - the blessing over wine to sanctify Shabbat and Holidays. Learn more here

Family blessings - learn more here

Jewish ritual of Hand Washing - נטילת ידיים - learn more here

USY - United Synagogue Youth

Hamotzi - המוציא - the blessing over bread. Learn more here

Destruction of the temple - learn more here 

Challot - חלות - learn more about challah here

Find Rabbi Aderet Drucker’s Sefaria source sheet on hand washing here

Kohanim - כהנים - Jewish biblical priests. Learn more here

Terumah - תרומה - a biblical offering, and the name of a weekly Torah portion found here

“Fence around a fence” - עשו סייג לתורה - a metaphor for creating boundaries to focus on mitzvot 

Midrash - מדרש - interpretation. Learn more here

Bracha - ברכה - blessing

Rabbi Adina Allen

Jewish Studio Project

Hand washing blessing: Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech HaOlam Asher Kiddishanu B'mitzvotav VeTzivanu Al Netilat Yadaim

בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה׳ אֱלֹהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם אֲשֶׁר קִדְּשָׁנוּ בְּמִצְוֹתָיו וְצִוָּנוּ עַל נְטִילַת יָדַיִם

Praised are you Adonai our God, Ruler of the Universe, instilling in us the holiness of mitzvot by commanding us to rinse our hands (from Siddur Sim Shalom)

Podcast episode that talks about the blessing formula (Asher Kidishanu B 'Mitzvotav V'tzivanu as an invitation into a ritual moment) here

Mitzvot - מצות - commandments/good deeds. Learn more here

Yad Vashem - יד ושם - Israel’s Holocaust Museum here

The Prophets - הנביאים - learn more here

Parshat Behar - פרשת בהר - learn more here

Shmita - שמיטה - Biblical sabbatical year. Learn more here

Torah - תורה - learn more here

Eretz Israel - ארץ ישראל - the land of Israel 

Jewish ritual hand washing cup here

Halachic - according to Jewish law. Learn more here

Marc-Alain Oukanin, philosopher - pitcher teaches us “to receive with appreciation and to give with grace”

Leviim - לווים - Levites here

“That you pour yourself”  Shulchan Arukh, Orach Chayim 159:7

Koach gavra - כח גברא - the power of the pourer

“The Gift” by Lewis Hyde here

B’gadol - בגדול - in large

Chesed shel emet - חסד של אמת - truth based on loving kindness

“A Guide to Jewish Religious Practice” by Isaac Klein here

“Prior to reciting the blessing for bread, we perform the ritual of washing hands, known as N'tilat Yadayim. Rings are removed so that the water comes in contact with all parts of the hand. Then a vessel is filled with water. The water is poured over the right hand and then over the left hand at least twice, although some follow the custom of pouring water three times over each hand.” ~ “The Observant Life” by Martin Cohen here

Minhag - מנהג - custom. Learn more here

Nigun - ניגון - wordless melody. Learn more here

Mi chamocha - מי כמוכה - Who is like You? Here

Amidah - אמידה - The Standing Prayer - here

Kavanah - קבנה - intention - here

“God is Here: Reimagining the Divine” by Rabbi Toba Spitzer here

Rabbi Toba Spitzer light lab podcast episode here

Biblical water-related names for G?d:

  • Maayan Hayeshua - מעייני הישועה - the Well of Liberation 

  • Peleg Elohim - פלג אלקים - the River of G?d 

  • M’kor Mayim Chaim - מקור מים חיים - the Fount of Living Waters 

  • Mayim Ne 'emanu - מים נאנו - Faithful Waters 

  • Nachad Aranecha - נכד ארקנה - Torrent of Delight 

  • Tehom - תהום -  the deep

“Al Netilat Yadayim” by Eliana Light here - From the album Eliana Sings (About Jewish Things)

Rabbi Abe Schacter-Gampel

Hava Nashira

“When the Saints Go Marching In” here

Rabbi Ari Kaplan

Camp Hess Kramer

Charlie Kramer

Camp Hess Kramer kavanah: Blessed is the one that created sustenance to everybody in goodness and in blessing. And all of us, with an amen, will give gratitude to the Holy One. Blessed be their name.

Blessing on Shemini Atzeret: Livrecha ve 'lo li 'kla 'la. לברכה ולא לקללה -  May the rain be for a blessing and not for a curse. Learn more about the holiday here


Episode 65: Opening the Treasure Box of Tradition (with Casper ter Kuile)


Episode 63: Creativity - Codeword for g?d (with Rabbi Adina Allen)