Episode 49: SPARK - High Holidays Edition
S.P.A.R.K. - High Holidays Edition
Welcome to our first SPARK! A more free-wheeling, connective conversation between our hosts that we hope sparks something new in you. In this SPARK, Eliana, Ellen & Josh explore re-returning, joyful prayer at Yom Kippur, and the courage to bring g?dly acts into the world. Plus, we listen to some of our favorite songs for the season!
What is the still small voice contained in the shofar blast saying to your heart this year?
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(2:36) We Return/Hashivenu by Noah Aronson and Elana Aronson: listen here
(3:27) Hashiveinu text:
הֲשִׁיבֵ֨נוּ יְהֹוָ֤ה ׀ אֵלֶ֙יךָ֙ וְֽנָשׁ֔וּבָה חַדֵּ֥שׁ יָמֵ֖ינוּ כְּקֶֽדֶם
Hashiveinu Ad-nai eilecha v’nashuva chadesh yameinu kekedem
Take us Back, Ad-nai, to Yourself, and let us come back; renew our days as of old! (Translation from Sefaria)
(4:25) Uvenucho Yomar - ובנחה יאמר - prayer before returning the Torah to the ark
(7:36) Ani L’Dodi V’Dodi Li - אני לדודי ודודי לי - I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine. The beginning letters of this phrase spell out Elul, and is a prominent phrase used in wedding ceremonies.
(8:40) Machzor - מחזור - High Holiday prayer book
(8:54) “Where I Will Find You” - this poem by Yehudah Halevi can be found here
(10:28) Rachmanus - רחמנות - Yiddish for compassion
(10:45) Avinu Malkeinu - אבינו מלכנו - Our Father Our King - find the words and melody referenced here.
(13:05) V’Yitnu Lecha Keter Melucha - ויתנו לך כתר מלוכה - find the words here, the referenced melody here.
(13:11) Piyut - פיוט - prayer poem. Learn more here
(13:44) “Shuving” - Eliana’s way of saying circling
(14:32) Aly Halpert’s Achat Sha’alti
(15:56) Unetaneh Tokef - text and explanation
(16:09) Yair Rosenblum’s Unetaneh Tokef
(17:29) Zeh Ha’sha’ar - Album by Micah Shapiro - listen here
(18:23) Hallel - הלל - learn more here
(21:36) Shofar blessing
(26:50) G?d remembered the plight of people Israel (Source from Exodus)
(28:08) V’chol ma’aminim text
(34:05) B’Tzelem Elohim - בצלם אלוהים - in the image of G?d
(42:06) Min hametzar karati yah - מין המצר קראתי יה - from the narrow place I call out and from expansiveness I was answered
(43:11) Kever Avot - קבר אבות - the custom of visiting the graveside of family members and praying there. Learn more here
(43:34) El Maleh Rachamim - אל מלא רחמים - a prayer of remembrance. Learn more here
(43:28) Chesed shel emet - חסד של אמת - a kindness that will never be returned, usually referring to caring for the memory of the deceased.
(43:38) Kol Nidrei - קול נדרי - learn more here
(49:59) Hayom Harat Olam - היום הרת עולם - On this day, the world came into being - find the text here
(50:48) Listen to Josh Warshawsky’s “Hame’ira” here
(51:51) 99% Invisible Podcast
(54:52) https://www.upstreampodcast.org/Upstream Podcast
(55:26) “Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals” by Oliver Berkman can be found here.