Episode 26: Diary of the Jewish People (with Rabbi Lawrence A. Hoffman, PhD)

Episode 26: Diary of the Jewish People (with Rabbi Lawrence A. Hoffman, PhD)

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Diary of the Jewish People

We are so honored to share this conversation between Eliana, Ellen, and Rabbi Lawrence A. Hoffman, PhD. Rabbi Hoffman, (or “Larry” as good friends like Ellen call him) is one of the foremost liturgists and t’fillah teachers of our day. He has written and edited dozens of books on the subject, including the series “My People’s Prayerbook” which we reference for this podcast constantly! Rabbi Hoffman regales us with tales of his childhood, how camp transformed him and the Jewish world, siddur as identity-marker, and what he sees for the future. Plus before the interview, Eliana shares some thoughts on t’fillah in dark times.

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01:50  Zichrono Livracha- May his memory be for a blessing. Traditionally said after invoking someone who has passed away.

04:40  Ramah Sports Academy

05:13  My People’s Prayer Book by Rabbi Lawrence Hoffman



05:58  HUC- Hebrew Union College, the Reform movement’s college for Cantorial, Rabbinical, and Educational studies

08:50  Shaliach Tzibbur- Emissary of the Congregation. The Hebrew phrase for “prayer leader.”

08:58  Davening Shacharit

Davening- yiddish word for praying, often refers to a particular style of praying which 

includes saying all the words of the liturgy in a meditative way and moving the body 

Shacharit- The Morning Service

09:27  Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

09:32  Yizkor: The Memorial Service

13:57  Reconstructionist Judaism

14:44  Mordachai Kaplan– founder of Reconstructionist Judaism

16:09  anti semitism

16:11  Gentleman’s Agreement by Laura Hobson

16:46  Eugene Borowitz

17:05  Talmud 

17:37  Seder

18:18 URJ Kutz Camp

The Reform movement camp for leadership development, which closed in 2019.

19:29 Union Prayer Book

20:25 Meri Arian

Doug Mishkin

21:09  Da lifnei mi atah omed- know before whom you stand 

From the Talmud Brachot 28b

21:47 shochet and the laws of kosher slaughter

22:23 There are many different ways for people to pray

22:47 CCAR: Central Conference of American Rabbis

The Reform movement’s Rabbinical association 

Prayer as an aesthetic experience 

23:27 North American Academy of Liturgy

25:49 havdalah – the prayer that ends Shabbat and welcomes the week

26:15  Mitzvah

26:56  The Sovereign Self: Jewish Identity in Post-Modern America by Arnie Eisen and Steven Cohen

28:39 Gates of Understanding: Volume 1

30:45 Prayer as means of identification/ identity formation 

The diary of the Jewish people

34:47 Justice justice you shall pursue- Deuteronomy 16:20

40:04 Prayer as an Aesthetic Experience 

42:25 Minhag Ami- My people’s prayerbook

Mishkan T’fillah– Reform Prayerbook 

42:45 Chassidus

42:50 Halacha: The Laws of Jewish Life

43:40 The Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music- Reform Cantorial School, at HUC

44:21 “I’m a prayerbook myself” story

46:26 Hourglass

48:21 Jewish Lights Publishing

Stuart Matlins founder of Jewish lights

49:02 Tachanun: The Daily Prayer Asking for Forgiveness 

51:46 My People’s Passover Haggadah 

51:58 Machzor: The High Holiday Prayer Book

54:41 Just because the leaders of the service love it, doesn’t mean everyone else will too

(just because you love it, not everyone else will)

1:00:00 How can we involve people in the Jewish conversation?

1:04:23 So much hope- the future is bright indeed! 

More books by Rabbi Lawrence Hoffman


Episode 27: Finding Our Way Home (Amidah Middle Blessings 7&8)


Episode 25: Tree Time (Amidah Middle Blessing 6) (with Hazzan Jessi Roemer)