The Light Lab Podcast

We (Rabbi Josh Warshawsky, Cantor Ellen Dreskin, Eliana Light, and special guests) believe that there is so much insight to be found in Jewish sacred heritage by holding the gems of our liturgy to the light. We see the immense value of personal, heart-opening, empathy-expanding prayer practice. And we love to talk about both!

Episode 44: g?d is Here (with Rabbi Toba Spitzer)
Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light Prayer, Guest, Interview Eliana Light

Episode 44: g?d is Here (with Rabbi Toba Spitzer)

This week we’re grateful to bring you Ellen and Eliana’s conversation with Rabbi Toba Spitzer, author of the book “God is Here: Reimagining the Divine.” Rabbi Spitzer takes us on a journey that includes Jewish liberation theology, playing dead (as in the grateful dead), liturgical gymnastics, and the three kinds of metaphors. Rabbi Spitzer’s work has been hugely influential to our thinking around g?d-language and we were geeking out the whole time. We hope you enjoy our interview (and hope you buy her book!)

How can g?d-metaphors influence and enhance our experiences of the Divine?

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